The TWG held its third virtual meeting on 16 December 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Bangkok time).

Meeting Objectives

The objectives of the meeting were:

  1. To discuss the responses to the questionnaire on state of production, dissemination, and use of disaster-related statistics in Asia - Pacific countries for the preparation of a Regional Situation Analysis Report that will provide the basis for the TWG’s mid-term work strategies;
  2. To provide information on the availability of the e-learning course on disaster-related statistics for pilot-testing by the members of the TWG; and
  3. To share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics.



Opening session

  • Welcome remarks
  • Overview of last meeting’s decisions and next steps

Chair: TWG Chair (Mongolia)

  • Ms. Ariunaa Chadraabal

Secretariat's briefing

  1. Results of the regional situational report questionnaire on the on state of production, dissemination, and use of disaster-related statistics in Asia-Pacific countries (10 minutes)
  2. Announcement on the availability of the e-learning course on disaster-related statistics for pilot-testing by the members of the TWG (5 minutes)

Discussion: 15 minutes

Chair: (Mongolia) 

  • Puji Pujiono, ESCAP consultant
  • Sokol Vako, Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP)

Country sharing of good practices

Discussion: 25 minutes

Moderator: Vice-Chair Ms. Hermawanti Marhaeni, BPS Indonesia

  • Rafiqul Islam, Joint Director and Project Director, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Closing other matters

  1. Next Steps
  2. Wrap up (next meeting: 27 January 2021)
  3. Closing remarks

Chair (Mongolia)

Reference materials: Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF)


TopicSpeakerDocument Link

Disaster Data Compilation, Sharing and Utilisation - Findings from TWG Questionnaire

Puji Pujiono, ESCAP Consultant


Capacity building: DRSF E-Learning course

Sokol Vako (SIAP)02_DRSF_E-Learning_3rd_TWG_16Dec2020.pdf

Bangladesh Disaster related Statistics 2020 Climate Change and Natural Disaster Perspectives

Rafiqul Islam, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics03_Bangladesh_Disaster-related_Statistics_3rd_TWG_16Dec2020.pdf

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