Blog from December, 2020

That's a wrap!

What an experience to be a part of the first series of virtual workshops on data integration Asia and the Pacific! The two rounds of virtual workshops were held at the end of November and early December. Attended by statisticians and data managers across the region, the workshops provided a virtual platform for exchanging experiences and ideas.  

Highlights include presentations from each of the country's represented, as well as valuable, practical examples from Australia, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, the University of Wollongong and international agencies.

There were lots of opportunities for capturing issues and ideas and mapping a way forward as a community of practitioners. These are being integrated into the draft regional guide to data integration that ESCAP is leading the preparation of, and into the way this community operates in future.

I encourage you to access the presentations from the ESCAP website (links below) and a summary of group work is available on this community platform from the Workshops page.

Thanks to everyone involved who contributed their time and expertise to the discussions. It was a pleasure to meet you there!

Tuesday, 15 December 2020, 14:00-15:00h (Bangkok time, GMT+7; verify your time here).

Please register for the event here and click here to join the meeting through MS Teams when it’s time.

>>>>See other Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series

Tuesday, 8 December 2020, 12:00-13:00h (Bangkok time, GMT+7; verify your time here).

Please register for the event here and when it’s time, click here to join the meeting through MS Teams.

>>>>See other Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series