Join the UN-GGIM: Europe webinar - UN-GGIM: Europe Webinar -Toolbox for implementing the UN-IGIF: A practical discussion on putting the framework in action. The webinar will be held on 23 April 2024, 12:30 – 14:30 (CEST).

The overall aim of the webinar is to enhance the knowledge and understanding about the existing approaches to implementing the UN-IGIF. It will provide an overview of the tools available to help strengthen national geospatial capabilities – such as developing detailed Country-Level Action Plans or adapting specific elements of the nine Strategic Pathways. Elements of these approaches can be adopted depending on a country’s situation, in terms of stakeholder collaboration, funding, expertise, needs, or data availability. This webinar builds on the previous webinar: An introduction to the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF) on 27 Sep 2023.

For the registration to the webinar please follow this link. For the draft of the concept note, please consult this page. Please feel free to forward information about this webinar to interested colleagues and peers. 

1 Comment

  1. Thanks dear Panpaka Supakalin, for sharing slightly smiling face 
    This may be beneficial to colleagues interested in the integration of Geospatial Information, including Ayodele Marshall Dr. Richard Tonkin Peeranan Towashiraporn  Shiomi Yumi Pamela Lapitan