Evaluating the pilot Data Integration Community of Practice showed me how this initiative has had early success in bringing people together to explore achievements and challenges in data integration. I was struck by the strong support to continue and to keep evolving in response to a growing community.  The content generated through regular meetings and inputs to the draft guidelines has been excellent! Almost 20 presentations (case studies) and the last two meetings expertly chaired by country representatives.

This Confluence site is here to encourage more interaction by adding resources, comments, and asking and answering questions. We've made some changes to help you build this community and engage with others.

  1. New public landing page - experts outside the community can apply to join us. Share the link - https://stat-confluence.escap.un.org/display/DICP/Data+Integration+Community+of+Practice - with your contacts and colleagues who could benefit from being part of this community.

    Once you're a registered member, make sure you bookmark the Home page so you don't have to click through from the landing page every time.

  2. Content re-grouped under four topics - each page brings resources and case studies, related pages and questions together (and is generated dynamically based on labels)
    1. Planning for data integration
    2. Data considerations and quality
    3. Methods and tools
    4. Types of data integration

The Data Integration Community of Practice is your place for the exchange of information and ideas. The content and structure of this site will evolve with the needs of the community. Any feedback and suggestions are encouraged and welcome.

  • No labels